We Answer Your Questions


We Answer Your Questions

Typically, not.  Plumbers are more often better suited for residential work.

Yes.  Provided it is in about a 200-mile radius of Bowling Green, KY

Most often we can get to your project in one to two weeks, but we would have to know more information about your project to give you a complete answer.

Our projects range from projects that can be completed in one day to several months.

I am sure there is a pipe that is too large, but we have yet to find it.

We have inspected and cleaned sanitary sewer, storm sewer, culvert, industrial process lines, air ducts, and some water lines. Just let us know what you have, and we will see what we can do.

Yes, our inspections operators are NASSCO PACP certified. We make sure that all our inspectors stay current with their training, and that we use POSM Software with the latest version of NASSCO PACP exchange and reports.

We have worked in nearly all the lower 48 states.